September 25, 2024


Nation’s wounds take time to heal

There are people I love and know to be decent, generous people but who support this awful, narcissistic, cruel president.

Yes, we are divided. We have been pitted against one another for four years, lied to, gaslighted, scorned and attacked. It is unreasonable to expect that an election will change it, so to have that be the end of this story is unrealistic. We are just in for more back-and-forth every few years between Democrats and Trumpists.

All of the state, local, House and Senate elections came out of the same ugliness that has framed and has been perpetrated against us for four years, bolstered by so many who could have helped and looked the other way. It’s not unlike the Catholic dioceses that knew about sexual abuse and just moved guilty priests to a new congregation. Look how long it took to begin making that right.

This, too, will change slowly. But it will change us to have a decent man lead this country. We will daily change the ugliness. It will be measured in subsequent elections. We need to think daily how that change can happen. We need the beauty of everyone to begin to make a character comeback. We need people who read this paper to lead our comeback. We need to have patience for our goodness to return. We need to have citizens abroad understand just how long it takes for an “abused child” to believe again in the power of goodness and decency.