Las Vegas Sun

June 15, 2024


Mask wearing isn’t much to ask

It appears that we are heading to some type of business slowdown or shutdown. Numbers don’t lie.

We are failing at keeping each other safe. Even our president ignores mask-wearing and social-distancing guidelines.

People who seem not to care for others upset me because my wife has an underlying medical condition and our grandkids haven’t been to our house since March. We stay home but when we do go out, it’s with a mask — so we keep ourselves and others safe.

I’ve heard people complain about wearing masks but if our community doesn’t change, we’re heading toward a much longer shutdown than we already had.

Also, casinos should not allow smoking. What good does it do to allow masks to be taken down to allow smoke and who knows what else to be spread into the air?

It’s going to get a lot worse with regular flu season here

Please wear a mask. You might save someone’s life, including a family member.