September 21, 2024


Debate was a shameful display

Watching the debate between former Vice President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump was like watching a man debate a child. All Trump could do was insult, avoid, use double talk and lie.

Trump is a disgrace to our country. I have found that he and many of his followers are alike when it comes to debating: They get angry, attack their opponent and lie. They seem allergic to the truth and obviously never met a fact they couldn’t disagree with.

Trump looked like an incompetent con man whose ignorance was put on full display for the country and world to see. He has no plans or strategy to fix this country’s problems, making it crystal clear who should be president going forward. Biden has plans to address climate change, job growth, racial inequality and so forth. He looked well prepared, and the questions of Biden’s mental capacity were answered — he’s just fine. Trump’s mental capacity was lacking, and I wonder if he knew whether he was at a debate or on the schoolyard trying to bully smaller children.

Trump said he wouldn’t commit to a peaceful exchange of power, refused to denounce far-right extremists and then told those same followers to “stand back and stand by.” Think about that for a moment: A sitting president is advocating for an armed rebellion if he loses. That seems like treason or an insurrection, and it’s our president calling for it, not some Third World dictator.