September 23, 2024


Take care of your mental health

“Wear your masks.”

“Donald Trump has the virus!”


“White lives don’t matter.”

“That’s racist.”

“No, you’re racist!”

“I can’t breathe in my mask” 

So on, and so on!When it rains, it really does pour.

Between the “worst presidential debate ever,” President Donald Trump having COVID-19, the Black Lives Matter movement and more, I’m worried about the negative impacts on mental health that all of this may be causing. It seems like in order to be caught up with what’s going on in the world, we have to involve ourselves with any piece of drama that seems to be flowing. How is any of this helping anyone?

Mental health is important to everyone, at all stages of life, and during all situations. Finding ways to keep our sanity during these times should put some positivity into all of this drama.

Improving mental health can be maintained through methods such as meditation, yoga, exercise, family therapy, finding ways to connect with our loved ones on a healthy level, etc. Let’s stay on top of it, mentally.