September 26, 2024


Trade the carrots for sticks

It’s time for drastic steps to get the second wave of the coronavirus under control. Cirque du Soleil gets it. “If you want to work for us, you gotta get the vaccinations.” Indiana University gets it. “If you want to work here or go to school here, you gotta get the shot.” Other companies and employers are coming around. The federal government is catching on. Get the shot or get tested every week at your expense.

If a lot more employers, companies and government agencies would adopt this way of thinking, the country would be back to normal, we could get rid of mask mandates and people could get on with their lives.

More radical ideas that won’t be popular: can’t enter a casino if you’re not vaccinated; can’t collect unemployment; can’t renew your driver’s license.

Hit ’em where it hurts.