Las Vegas Sun

June 26, 2024


End farm animal mistreatment

I support California’s new animal welfare laws that require increased living space for confined farm animals.

For too long, farmers and consumers have ignored the deplorable living conditions that animals are forced to endure. How would people like to spend their entire lives in metal cages so small that they have no room to turn around as pigs, chickens and veal calves have historically suffered? How would people like being crushed together in horribly overcrowded warehouses with little or no sunlight, no fresh air, and no room to even stretch their limbs?

I am tired of the selfishness and apathy of people who only care about themselves. Farm animals are routinely deprived of basic needs such as exercise, ventilation, sunlight and adequate veterinary care, just for the sake of cutting costs. Yes, humane treatment of animals requires some investment. But farmers can raise their prices to offset these costs.

Farm animals make the ultimate sacrifice of their bodies for people. The least people can do is provide these innocent animals with healthy and comfortable housing during their tragically short lives.