September 21, 2024

Letter to the editor:

Ban wildlife killing contests

The editorial “Nevada has no good reason to continue wildlife-killing contests” (Aug. 18) was spot on. Wildlife killing contests are a black eye on our state — a state where we cherish our wildlife and hold an impressive array of outdoor traditions.

During these embarrassing events, scores of coyotes and other animals are killed merely for cash and prizes — trivializing life itself. They also are not recommended by any wildlife management academic or practitioner.

The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation, to which state wildlife agency professionals purport adherence, dictates that wildlife is held in the public trust (because wildlife belongs to all citizens), that wildlife shall not be killed for frivolous purposes and that science is the proper tool to discharge wildlife policy. Killing contests violate each of these tenets!

The Nevada Board of Wildlife commissioners surely know they have many good reasons to outlaw wildlife killing contests, and I ask them to do so at the soonest opportunity.