September 20, 2024

Letter to the editor:

Withdrawal was botched

Why, if our government knew Aug. 31 was the withdrawal date from Afghanistan, didn’t we start a gradual pullout months ago and only keep mission essential personnel until the very end? Now some Marines have lost their lives, with maybe more military causalities to come, and for what?

It should have never come to this.

I was stationed in Japan when the Vietnam airlift was happening, and the pictures of Saigon looked exactly like the pictures from Afghanistan.

This should have been an orderly evacuation.How can our country let this happen?

Now is the time to stand up and say, we’re getting our people out and if you stand in our way or have a weapon we’ll take the necessary action.

I’m not sure how many of our allies still consider us a world power.

My thoughts and best wishes go out to our heroic men and women who are in harm’s way due to our failed politicians/policymakers.