September 23, 2024

Letter to the editor:

GOP playing by different rules

The most important idea in our democracy is the vote, so the current appeal of voter suppression is troubling. Many states have put in effect this handicap on potential voters.

If Republicans suppress the vote via gerrymander or other ridiculous restrictions, they should be restrained through the courts. They act like children who do not get their way and throw a tantrum.

It should be explained, as if to a child, they cannot play (vote) if they will not play fair. They may decide not to skew democracy as they have tried to do.

Likewise, there is a plan on the table that is intended to restore the nation’s infrastructure and lead to growth in our society after years of neglect. One party wants to share in the fruits of this program yet doesn’t want to pay taxes or restructure the tax of the rich. If congressional Republicans do not want to support school or elderly programs financially, they should be excluded from the fruits of these programs.

Republicans cannot pick what they want to support and then take credit for what Democrats passed.