September 20, 2024


Reform the judicial confirmation process

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, a Supreme Court nominee, has been subjected to a barrage of low-rent and inappropriate comments from the likes of Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and others on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Confirming a Supreme Court justice in our country is simply too important to be left to the whimsical rants of someone obsessed with sex-abuse crimes and sentencing variations (all of which seem to be in compliance with judicial standards).

The Senate Judiciary Committee should realign its processes, for future nominees, by establishing a better-educated quorum of legal minds (representing both parties, of course) to focus on key relevant legal issues and produce formal, challenging questions for the candidate which are meaningful and relevant. A group of acceptable qualified legal experts should do the questioning, not biased senators with their own agendas.

Cruz was in over his head again and did all of us a disservice with his meandering, self-focused interest in child abuse while ignoring the big picture of overall judicial qualifications.