Las Vegas Sun

June 15, 2024


Trump never held accountable

With all the talk of Donald Trump being the presumptive Republican nominee for president in 2024, I can’t believe this is still possible. I have watched the talking heads on cable saying “no one is above the law” but it appears Trump is. How is it that we cannot hold a president accountable for:

• plotting to overturn a fair election, inciting a violent insurrection in the Capitol building;

• breaking the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution by not divesting his business and profiting off his presidency;

• making a mockery of the justice system by abusing the presidential pardon process to protect his buddies;

• appointing unqualified family members to important positions, allowing them to profit off of his presidency;

• extorting Ukraine in a quid quo pro for opposition information on a political rival;

• having at least 10 documented instances of obstruction of justice in the Mueller Report;

• protecting his white supremacist supporters multiple times.

Shouldn’t at least one of these be grounds for disqualification? Shouldn’t there be a stronger job description for president that includes prior government experience, good moral standing, etc.?

And while we are at it, how about requiring a mental health evaluation such as an MMPI (Minnesota Multi-phasic Personality Inventory) that could screen for malignant narcissism and wannabe-dictator tendencies?

Our country doesn’t have much time to act, 2024 is closer than it appears.