September 23, 2024

Letter to the editor:

Ukraine is not our problem

Our elected representatives are all so happy to fly thousands of miles to help another country protect its borders and give them billions of taxpayer dollars, but don’t have time to fly to our southern border and help the people that they swore to protect — American people.

Democrats will pay the price for that in November. But that doesn’t help much.

As horrible as it is to see dead people on TV, especially kids, Ukraine is not our problem. It is not a NATO member and it doesn’t deserve our help. It is a European problem. Let Europe worry about it.

No one is asking the most obvious question: Why did Ukraine give up its nuclear weapons? Is there a better deterrent against any threat or invasion? So, because of its reckless decision, we have to protect Ukraine until the end of times? Is that why I should suck it up and pay few more cents at the pump? Ukrainian democracy? I don’t think so.

There never was and there never will be democracy in Ukraine. Those people are not made for it. Just like people of Iraq and Afghanistan. American people, as good hearted as they are, unfortunately don’t know the world’s history. Some fights are better left for someone else. We are not the world’s policeman. Make sure to tell that to the people who are supposed to represent you. We should be their one and only priority.