Las Vegas Sun

June 27, 2024


Same old song in wake of tragedy

Kudos to the Sun and syndicated editorial cartoonist Darrin Bell for the Nov. 26 cartoon depicting a robot, the head of which has imprinted on it “Thoughts & Prayers Bot 5000.” Below the head appear the words “Thoughts and Prayers for the Mass Shooting,” with reels embedded in its chest noting dates and places of mass shooting murders, including the recent one in Colorado Springs, Colo.

I’m 71 years old and the robot reminded me of a jukebox and the ad nauseam playing of an old, overplayed tune — like every time there is a mass shooting when Republicans say they extend thoughts and prayers to the victims.

Please don’t invoke religious principles to justify being bought lock, stock and barrel by the National Rifle Association and refusing to implement reasonable gun control measures, such as banning high-powered rifles used for mass destruction.

If Republicans don’t recognize the hypocrisy in all of this, they may want to check the Ten Commandments, two of which state “thou shalt not kill” and “thou shalt have no other gods before me,” like the NRA.

Once again, the Republican Party, the Party of No, does nothing about needless gun violence, except preaching the same old tune of religious hyperbole.