September 21, 2024


Don’t trust liars to uphold the law

Why would anyone want to suspend or terminate our Constitution and its democratic form of government? Possibly, the person who has a desperate scheme to avoid the serious consequences of his selfish, unlawful and destructive actions — attempts to subvert the lawful 2020 presidential election by any means necessary to reinstall himself fraudulently as president.

Apparently, that person does not care about abolishing our benefits and rights that flow to us from our democratic form of government. Instead, he wants us to rely on him to restore the Constitution and our rights under it — after he has fraudulently reinstalled himself as president — to the condition that existed prior to his outlandish and unlawful proposition to suspend or terminate it.

No way! A lying person who seems only interested in himself can’t be trusted to restore the Constitution to its previous state, but he can delete the lies and save our democracy.

Case closed: Let truth and justice reign supreme in American democracy.