September 21, 2024


Safer streets are good investment

The Dec. 9 editorial “Growing rate of Las Vegas-area traffic crashes a solvable problem” contains excellent news about efforts to develop safer streets for pedestrians and cyclists. Kudos to Las Vegas for its Vision Zero plans and to the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada for working toward Complete Streets policies. State lawmakers should follow your suggestions to increase the statute of limitations for hit-and-run offenders and to increase the penalties for repeat reckless driving offenders.

Active transportation like walking and bicycling improves health and reduces harmful air pollution. However, many people avoid it over safety concerns. The most dangerous areas to walk or bike are often the same areas where people lack the option of traveling by car. Upper-income neighborhoods often have shaded sidewalks and bike lanes, which many lower-income neighborhoods lack.

Federal funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act allows us to change the perception and reality that Southern Nevada is dangerous for active transportation by investing in walkable and bikeable neighborhoods. Embracing safer streets will enhance our health and quality of life, and will make Las Vegas even more appealing for tourists.