September 23, 2024


How to manage holiday anxiety

Despite COVID-19 receding into the background, medical experts say people are facing heightened levels of stress this holiday season compared to last.

A recent survey from the American Psychiatric Association said people are most worried about affording holiday gifts and meals this year, rather than spreading or catching coronavirus. Nearly a third of adults said they feel more stressed this year than last.

“People are looking forward to celebrating again — they’re less worried about contagion, they’re less worried about differences of opinion of how to manage COVID, and yet, not surprisingly, Americans are really worried about their financial well-being this holiday season,” said Dr. Rebecca Brendel, president of APA.

The poll comes as inflation levels reach historical highs, raising prices across the board. Grocery and retail stores, which are now lowering prices, were among the hardest hit.

About half of survey respondents said they are concerned about affording holiday gifts, while nearly 40% said they are worried about affording a holiday meal. Young adults, ranging from ages 18 to 34 and who earn less than $50,000 a year, are most concerned about expenses associated with the holiday, according to the poll.

“Financial stress is something that so many Americans are experiencing right now …” Brendel said. “In general, people often consider their finances very private, they don’t like to talk about it, or they don’t want people to think they’re unable to afford the holidays.”

In addition to external factors like COVID and financial stressors, Brendel said holiday anxiety can also come from ourselves.

“We can be our own worst enemies in terms of setting really high expectations for how perfect the holidays are supposed to be, especially when it’s been years in many cases since we’ve had big gatherings,” she said.

The pressure of living up to holiday traditions after missing many years of them may present a burden, said JJ Larson, director of behavioral health at the health nonprofit HHM Health.

For the 2022 holiday season, Larson added it’s possible people may be trying to “make up” for modified or canceled holiday events from the past.

“Holidays tend to be a time when we are trying to connect with family, and we look at what traditions are in the media, maybe in commercialism,” she said. “There’s this effort to be that holiday or to exude that holiday, and so that can add some pressure onto folks.”

Work parties that are making a comeback this year join a slew of other regularly planned holiday celebrations, which can also add stress.

“There is more pressure in navigating a social calendar or making time for the family that might demand or need attention,” Larson said. “The focus is shifting from that insular way of being during COVID, to now more of an external one through the holidays.”

And while COVID looks different this year, respiratory diseases, including the flu and RSV, are prevalent this season. Brendel said people should take precautions and stay home if they get infected.

“As much as we’re really looking forward to being together on the holidays, we could also take advantage of things like Zoom to be present and not get others sick,” she said.

What does stress look like?

Stress can affect people’s bodies in many different ways, and according to Larson, you may not even realize how stressed you are until symptoms become more noticeable.

Common physical symptoms of stress include an increased heart rate, high blood pressure, muscle tension and jaw clenching.

Around the holidays, some more subtle signs of daily stress include feeling more fatigued than usual, experiencing more frequent headaches and struggling with digesting food. People who feel stressed may also break out into hives or rashes.

The effect stress has on the stomach and digestive system can sometimes go under the radar, Larson said. Holiday travel and heavier foods eaten during the season can also alter eating habits, exacerbating stress-related digestive issues.

Stress is a largely unavoidable part of life, but there are some ways to mitigate it. Identifying triggers for your stress is one of the most beneficial ways to combat the issue, Larson said.

“It’s helpful to know where your stress is coming from, so that you can address it as best you can,” she said.

After determining the relevant triggers, some tangible courses of action include setting boundaries with certain family members, drafting a budget for gifts, finding different ways to spend the holidays and practicing self-care.

“If you are able to find something to connect to outside of yourself, and if you’re able to practice self-care skills, and find someone to talk to, those are all going to benefit you,” Larson said.

For individuals stressed about affording a holiday meal, Brendel recommends people practice sharing this season with a potluck-style feast, in which people can contribute different courses and help alleviate the financial burden.

And for younger people worried about spending on holiday gifts, Brendel said people should consider holding gift swaps, organizing gift pools or hosting Secret Santas on a budget.

“We put a lot of expectations on ourselves, that it will snow or it will be a white Christmas and everything’s going to be perfect,” Brendel said. “Really, we should pace ourselves and know that we’re all human.”

Noor Adatia is a columnist for The Dallas Morning News.