Las Vegas Sun

June 15, 2024


Young Nevadans’ voices matter

I’m a young Nevadan who is both enthusiastic about this year’s election and our state’s current leadership.

In particular, Gov. Steve Sisolak has taken enormous strides to improve our state, despite COVID-19 and the challenges that continue to face us.

Since 2019, Sisolak has championed issues that bring young voters together, including fighting climate change, investing in green energy, diversifying our economy, expanding health care access, protecting reproductive freedom, supporting small businesses, increasing affordable housing, and creating a welcoming environment for everyone who wants to call Nevada home.

Thanks to his leadership, Nevada has the best economic momentum in the country and Las Vegas was ranked in the top four metropolitan areas for job growth. We’ve also attracted to Southern Nevada major professional sports teams such as the Las Vegas Raiders and upcoming events like the 2024 Super Bowl, which will inject millions of dollars into our economy.

Sisolak’s investments have made it easier for young people to get jobs and build lives in the Silver State.

Young people will be critical to the 2022 election. Our voices are powerful — we have the most to gain or lose, based on the results. It’s up to us to choose the candidates who will continue moving Nevada forward, not backward.

I urge all young people to educate themselves on the issues and the candidates, and what they really bring to the table. Let’s keep it real, plain and simple.