Las Vegas Sun

May 18, 2024


We must guard our democracy

When ways of recognizing the events of Jan. 6, 2021, were discussed Wednesday on Thom Hartmann’s show on Free Speech TV, a caller suggested that Jan. 6 be named “Democracy Day” and celebrated as the day that our precious democracy survived a profound challenge. That’s a great idea, although premature.

The threat remains. An entire political party apparatus is committed to a vision of the future which does not include democracy at all. The powerful movers and shakers of that party have focused their efforts on turning the U.S. into a fascist state and an oligarchy.

Those with the most wealth and influence would be able to subvert and negate the will of the people as expressed through their votes. They are moving swiftly to pass laws giving them the ability to simply reverse election outcomes that are not in their favor. They are doing all they can to undermine public confidence in elections and still claim that the 2020 election is in doubt, despite a total lack of credible evidence or a single successful legal challenge affirming their malevolent leader’s Big Lie.

Democracy Day should be contemplated. However, it remains to be seen whether our democracy will exist in 2024. It will be up to voters this year and in 2024, and it is up to us to put those anti-democratic Machiavellians in their proper place.