September 20, 2024


Jan. 6 demands accountability

The testimony of former White House chief of staff aide Cassidy Hucthinson was a jaw-dropping rendition of the planning and execution of the Jan.6, 2021 attempted subverting of U.S. democracy. She was a stalwart, composed and highly credible witness.

She was around the principle actors in that nefarious plot. She gave credence to the notion that then-President Donald Trump was complicitly responsible for inciting his crowd of followers, knowing they were armed, to attack the Capitol and disrupt the electoral certification ceremony.

The question is whether the Justice Department should prosecute all of the offenders, including Trump.

Trump has left a stain on the presidency which can only be removed by holding him accountable for his crimes against the country. Richard Nixon had the sense to resign when he was confronted by his Republican cohorts. Trump won’t be faced by his enablers, and his egomania will not allow him to admit fault or defeat.

In the heat of the rioting, the crowd chanted “Hang Mike Pence.” and Trump said he deserved it since he didn’t stop the electoral count. He would have let his own vice president be lynched to make his point.

Aside from gleefully watching the riot on TV for 187 minutes before bowing to advice to tell the rioters to go home, Trump failed to think of anything else but his ego. This cries out for accountability. Patriotism demands we follow the rule of law wherever the true facts lead.