September 24, 2024


Greed is quickly killing Earth

The rich and powerful fossil fuel industry has for years controlled the actions and inactions of many members of Congress. Now, most of the Supreme Court is enabling the industry’s goal to freely pollute and destroy the environment in pursuit of more gargantuan profits.

Donald Trump’s conservative court ruled 6-3 against the authority of the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate carbon emissions, a major cause of the catastrophic and accelerated climate change that is occurring now.

Rising temperatures continue to break records. Countless species of plants and animals, including domestic farm animals, are dying due to unbearably prolonged heat waves and droughts that are becoming more widespread. People in many countries must leave their homes because they now live in increasingly uninhabitable environments. The rich and powerful don’t care that this is happening because they have the financial means to insulate themselves from the destruction.

Democrats in Congress are the only ones proposing legislation to help ensure a life-giving sustainable environment. When will Republican politicians care about preserving the health and viability of our precious planet instead of caving to corporate greed? Time is running out.