September 25, 2024


Be patient in pursuit of justice

Those of us who had heard the braying of former President Donald Trump about how the election of 2020 would be stolen from him months before the votes were counted, and his call to supporters to go to Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6, have been waiting anxiously for his indictment.

Many people have been exasperated that, despite having seen with our own eyes how Trump inflamed the crowd and then sat by watching TV while rioters defiled the Capitol and injured officers, the indictment has not come. Some have been mystified and have expressed great outrage.

The case has to be rock-solid. The danger from violent extremist supporters of the corrupt madman has to be reduced by the strategic and highly skilled team on the House Select Committee on the Jan. 6 attack, with public hearings, prior to charges being filed.

To this day, Fox News host Tucker Carlson and other white supremacist, white nationalist, Christian dominionist paranoid fanatics are seeking to start a civil/race/religious/class war.

The danger is real.

Now that sanity has been regained in significant measure, the Department of Justice can act, and have it stick, with less chance of large-scale violence. Indictments are imminent. They should be announced soon.

Justice may still not be served quite as we have hoped. But a lot of people and a lot of elected officials who are implicated will soon be on a very hot seat along with Trump.

Republicans will pay for decades.