Las Vegas Sun

June 28, 2024


Truth can’t be hidden forever

Steve Bannon has been found guilty of contempt of Congress. Rudy Giuliani and others are facing state and congressional subpoenas. Former President Donald Trump is facing multiple legal problems such as tax evasion by the Trump Organization, potential interference during Georgia’s 2020 presidential voting process, and increasing evidence that he was actively involved in the violent insurrection at our nation’s Capitol Jan. 6, 2021.

So why has Trump and so of his administration’s officials, members of Congress, and Trump Organization executives disregarded legal subpoenas and blatantly scoffed at the American legal system? Do they all think that they live above and beyond the laws of this land? If they have nothing to hide and nothing to be ashamed of, then why not cooperate in good faith, testify under oath, and simply speak the truth for everyone to hear? Doing so would dispel any confusion on the facts.

Truth does not have a political, religious or national agenda. Innocent people act and behave as if they are innocent. Guilty people act and behave as if they are guilty. But even if the guilty are not found guilty in this lifetime, they will face the truth come Judgment Day.