Las Vegas Sun

June 15, 2024


Celebrate Easter with kindness

With Easter just around the corner, some folks may be considering gifting a bunny or chick. Please, don’t.

Every year after the holiday, the novelty wear offs and many of these animals are surrendered, if not dumped at local parks. Our shelters and rescues are already overburdened with post-pandemic and eviction-related surrenders, as the homeless animal population continues to grow.

A domestic rabbit or chick will not know how to survive in the wild, even if it’s a park; and with local wildlife roaming into urban areas due to loss of habitat and hunger, these small animals become easy prey.

During a holiday that is based on compassion, we can set a good example by not including live animals as gifts. Better yet, pay a visit to a local shelter and consider fostering an animal for a short while to give it an Easter break, or have children read to the animals; it’s a win-win.