September 20, 2024


Politicians can’t hide from voters

The Republican Party is trying to dumb down America and attack democracy by attempting to prevent an informed electorate. This phenomenon was addressed, in part, in the April 21 story “At GOP forum, opponents lament absence of ‘no show Joe.’ ”

First, we have Sheriff Joe Lombardo refusing to debate his GOP gubernatorial primary opponents because he’s known for taking both sides of the same issue. There is also the thorny issue of Lombardo making political contributions to his Gov. Steve Sisolak, a Democrat. If Lombardo does not have the courage of his convictions to explain his conduct in a public forum, he should not be running for office.

Second, we have Republican Herschel Walker running for Senate in Georgia. He’s being withheld from public appearances because he: 1) claimed he graduated from the University of Georgia with honors when he never graduated; 2) questioned the theory of evolution by commenting about apes still being alive; 3) said he knew of a “dry” mist to combat COVID-19. Walker may want to consult the definition of “mist.”

Third, the Republican National Committee withdrew its participation in the Commission on Presidential Debates.

Democracy demands an informed electorate. As a true Republican, former President Dwight Eisenhower, once said: “Politics should be the part-time profession of every citizen who would protect the rights and privileges of free people.”