Las Vegas Sun

May 12, 2024


Treat refugees with compassion

The cruel Trump-era immigrant-scapegoating policy called Title 42 must end. Seeking asylum at our nation’s borders is a right guaranteed by our laws. Every immigrant and asylum-seeker deserves to be treated with dignity, compassion and respect. That isn’t possible if our government uses Title 42 to block them from safety.

We have the ability to process asylum seekers without violating their human rights, and our government has a plan to do so in an orderly way. Moreover, simple public health measures like testing, vaccination, treatment and quarantine can address the impact of COVID-19.

Continuing the misuse of Title 42 would force asylum seekers who are fleeing violence, persecution and war to return to the dangerous conditions that forced them to flee, without even having their asylum claims considered. Imagine if Poland turned back the trains of Ukrainian refugees because they might bring COVID-19 across the border. America must do better.

Families want lawmakers to create a fair process for considering asylum claims that treats all with dignity. It’s time to end the misuse of Title 42. It’s time for Congress to pass comprehensive immigration laws.