September 19, 2024


Corporate greed drives inflation

Rents have gone up so fast it has surprised even real estate software marketer RealPage.

Blocked by Republicans, the A Place to Prosper Act — which includes renters’ rights and rent increase control — has never been debated. Owners charge computer-generated higher rents, knowing it will cause higher vacancies, because they can — thus increasing homelessness.

It’s sad to see that not one Republican voted for the Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act. You may never hear about the Windfall Oil Profit bill. Republicans are set to do the opposite and put American energy independence into the trash can.

Corporate profits are setting records. Pharmaceutical companies, cable companies and oil companies have seen an average of 53% increase in profits over the past six months. How? By raising prices well over their costs. President Joe Biden does not own Moderna, Xfinity or Exxon — most of the inflation we are experiencing is caused by corporate greed.

Blame inflation on someone — that’s what Republicans are betting on even as their party would make the problem worse with giveaways to the rich and the same trickle-down policies that gave 80% of us a zero increase in household income over the past 40 years. That’s their big idea.

Democrats can be forced to make laws that put Americans first. That’s why we have made some gains to see that regular Americans get fair compensation and opportunity. That’s what’s best for the economy — for Democrats, Republicans, independents and everyone.