September 22, 2024


Differences in parties are clear

Democrats want to investigate the deadly attack on democracy that was the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection. Republicans call it legitimate political discourse.

Democrats want women to be able to control their own bodies and for Medicare to be able to negotiate drug prices. Republicans want to take away women’s rights and for companies to set the prices for prescription drugs.

Democrats want a progressive tax system, to shore up Social Security and for corporations to pay their fair share of taxes. Republicans champion trickle-down economics, want to privatize Social Security and aim to deregulate corporations.

Democrats want to update perimeters for entry into the country. Republicans want to build a wall.

Democrats want renewable energy for no carbon output with economic development and job creation. Republicans want to increase oil and gas production, which is killing the planet.

Democrats want to pay for infrastructure by closing tax loopholes. Republicans voted against building and repairing the nation’s infrastructure.

Democrats want reasonable gun control. Republicans want no restrictions on guns.

Democrats stand with the European Union and NATO through political, economic and military support for Ukraine. Republicans do not want to provide military assistance to Ukraine and want to walk away from the EU and NATO.

Russia’s aggression violated international law, robbed Ukraine of its sovereign territory, and killed and wounded thousands of people.