September 24, 2024


Nations can be better neighbors

Consider the similarities between Russia and the United States.

Until recently, Russia had a reasonable economy and peaceful neighbors. Then Vladimir Putin, an autocrat, decided to attack his neighbor, Ukraine, to expand the land mass under direct Russian control.

Ukraine has resisted and is drawing support from other free countries. Many Ukrainian people fled the country and have been absorbed by neighboring nations. Russia has lost most of its world trade, and its stature among nations has been severely diminished.

The U.S. has neighbors with democratic and autocratic governments that are not directly attacking us, but because of rampant corruption, gang violence, and iron-fisted rule, the citizens of many South and Central American countries are fleeing their countries for what they perceive as a better and safer life here.

Unlike the Ukrainian neighbors, the U.S. has tried every measure it can think of to stop border crossings, without success.

Both Russia and the U.S., instead of massive attacks and defensive tactics, would benefit from direct talks with their neighbors with the goal of better understanding people’s needs, and how the countries can help promote peaceful coexistence. One can’t stop border crossing without eliminating the reason they are crossing.