Las Vegas Sun

May 15, 2024


America blazes its own path

The Jan. 29 letter “Get serious about gun deaths” says, “A critical first step is studying and replicating the gun control actions taken by civilized nations worldwide — steps that have worked in addressing gun violence.”

America is a sovereign nation with its own freedoms and rights that many citizens fought and died to maintain — including the Second Amendment. James Madison wrote in Federalist Paper #46: “Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation,” with regard to the Second Amendment.

Some people are too quick to surrender their rights as Americans to replicate the loss of rights in other nations.

As Benjamin Franklin said, “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither.”

One other disagreement with the letter writer: There is no such thing as “gun violence,” since an inanimate object cannot do anything on its own without a human being with evil intent to perpetrate the violence.