Las Vegas Sun

May 5, 2024

Archive for November 19, 2006

Plans for big boom back
The boom is back.
7:19 a.m.
'Divine Strake' is about 'bunker busting'
The basic idea is simple: Take 700 tons of a mixture of fertilizer and fuel oil - the same stuff that leveled the federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995, killing 168 people - pour ...
7:19 a.m.
John Katsilometes visits the MGM Grand Garden Arena where the fight against cancer is the winner
The site was the very MGM Grand that on Saturday was the venue for Streisand's performance. But it hardly resembled a concert hall or sports areana; the top-to-bottom overhaul in deep burgundy and flat black ...
7:19 a.m.
Jack Sheehan and a pal pick the five iconic figures deserving of a place on a Las Vegas Mount Rushmore
We started throwing around the names of folks who would be carved onto our own Mount Rushmore in the desert, assuming we had a big old rock wall somewhere on the edge of town and ...
7:18 a.m.
Jeff Simpson has talk with Steve Wynn about a wide range of gaming issues here and abroad
"I don't have any deal with anybody in Atlantic City," Wynn said by phone from Macau. "It's an interesting place, and the governor (Jon Corzine) wants to re-energize the Boardwalk. But there are a lot ...
7:18 a.m.
FLASHPOINT for Nov 19, 2006
I have been to many events after covering politics for 20 years. But none compares to the Nevada Cancer Institute fundraiser I attended Thursday. Sure, maybe it wasn't a political event per se. But there ...
7:18 a.m.
Jon Ralston on Barbara Buckley, who will become the most powerful woman in Nevada state politics
There have been influential females before. But few - if any - possess the rare mixture of talents of Speaker-in-Waiting Barbara Buckley . And neither, it needs to be emphasized, have most men who have ...
7:18 a.m.
Editorial: More education funding needed
Rogers, who detailed his budget and policy initiatives in his annual state of the system speech Friday, will be asking for more money for the state's university system to pay for myriad projects and programs ...
7:18 a.m.
Letter: National debt suggests tax cuts are 'broke'
While it's true that tax cuts may increase revenues and stimulate the economy for those of us who are adults right now, I wonder whether our children and grandchildren share our enthusiasm. They'll be the ...
7:18 a.m.
Letter: Baby Boomer burden must be addressed
The Social Security system is something like 70 years old. When first implemented the full retirement age of 65 was established. At that time the average life span was 15 to 20 years less than ...
7:17 a.m.
Letter: Free market applies to insurers, too
While we're at it, Congress should also force price controls on drug companies. We're paying too darn much for our life-saving medications! (The right price, of course, would be one low enough to ensure that ...
7:17 a.m.
Letter: Democracy is great, but also frightening
Nearly half of the voters signaled their approval of the Bush administration, arguably the most inept and corrupt administration in our history. George W. Bush, at a black tie event in 2004, laughed and joked ...
7:17 a.m.
Editorial: Health care stalemate
Sierra insures nearly 600,000 people, roughly a third of Clark County's population, and Sunrise manages four hospitals - Sunrise Hospital, Sunrise Children's Hospital, South Hills Hospital and MountainView Hospital - and if a new contract ...
7:17 a.m.
Don't ever call him a gadfly
Anyone who has been to a Las Vegas City Council meeting has seen the wizened man in the red shirt and black suspenders, leaning on a well-used walker and waiting his turn at the podium.
7:16 a.m.
Gamers still buzzing over passage of online bill
Passing bills in the dead of night without a lick of debate was business as usual in President Bush's Republican-controlled Congress. But the details behind the October passage of a controversial Internet gambling prohibition bill ...
7:16 a.m.
Online gambling a hot potato
While the gaming industry is heralding the appointment of casino-friendly Democrats to key positions of power in Washington, experts warn that it could take many years before Congress will be willing to consider regulating online ...
7:16 a.m.
Trepp often seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time
Perhaps Warren Trepp is always just at the wrong place at the wrong time, a victim of terrible and perpetual coincidence.
7:16 a.m.
Heller walks into a brave new world
WASHINGTON - This is what happens when you're a new member of Congress: Your phone doesn't stop ringing, you don't know half the people who are calling and you can't possibly make all the events ...
7:16 a.m.
Fifteen-year-old Rafael Angulo was skating with friends, Randy Torres, 15, and Edward Perez, 14 (not pictured) at West Flamingo/Kenny Guinn Park on Tuesday afternoon.
7:16 a.m.
Brian Greenspun on China's potential and how this big land is taking to Vegas-style gaming in Macau
And why not? Everybody else is. In fact, practically everywhere I go China is the topic of conversation. Whether it is about economic opportunity, environmental pollution and potential eco-disaster, human rights issues, North Korean nukes, ...
7:15 a.m.
Younger gangs, bolder violence
Greg Damarin rolls through the low-lit streets off Weaver Drive with his head half-cocked out the window of an unmarked town car. He's wearing green fatigues, his hair is cut close to the scalp and ...
7:15 a.m.

21 stories