Las Vegas Sun

June 2, 2024

Letter to the Editor:

Health care reform half-measures are no use

I’m so tired of watching members of Congress grinding out legislation that is supposed to meet the needs of all Americans, but in reality turns into sausage.

Now that we have asked them to produce a health care plan that responds to our needs, a plan that looks and acts like a winning racehorse, they appear to be in the throes of producing a one-eyed, half-a-hump camel with missing teeth.

Their newest proposal, a co-op health plan, is a no-op, a nonstarter. There is no price control leverage in such a plan.

A revamped health care system must include the following:

1. A public option or a clear plan to move toward a single-payer system.

2. A plan to consolidate all other federally funded plans into a single-payer or public option plan.

Without item one or preferably both, there is little if any chance for success, only business as usual.

I am opposed to riding that congressional camel into oblivion. Getting something isn’t always preferable to getting nothing. If nothing is done now, then very soon even those who believe they are immune to the financial and medical problems looming within our system will insist that Congress fast-track that elusive health care racehorse.

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