Las Vegas Sun

June 2, 2024

Letter to the Editor:

An overlooked point on birth certificates

This is in response to Owen Nelson’s letter in Thursday’s edition of the Sun arguing that President Barack Obama needs to show his birth certificate. Has the writer looked at his own birth certificate lately? Out of plain curiosity I happened to look at my birth certificate, which is from Nevada, and it states plainly: Certificate of Live Birth.

By his own failed logic, Mr. Nelson has just deemed that I also may not be a citizen of the United States because he claims that a certificate of live birth is different from a birth certificate. Yet, my parents and all my grandparents before me are all U.S. citizens and were born and raised here. Obviously, Mr. Nelson’s claim that Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson’s statement is a falsehood shows that he needs to learn more about what is classified as a birth certificate.

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