Las Vegas Sun

June 14, 2024


Obama, Congress must make the tough decisions

President Barack Obama released his $3.7 trillion budget this week, and it doesn’t reduce spending and/or raise taxes enough to make a dent in the debt or deficit.

I understand and agree that the financial mess is not all of the president’s making, but he is the president now, so the issue is his to address along with members of Congress.

It is so disappointing that neither the president nor either party in Congress is willing to tell Americans the truth and make the tough choices that are required. To properly address our financial problems, a combination of tax increases and spending cuts will be necessary.

In addition, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid must be addressed because they account for about 40 percent of the budget. I understand that neither the president nor members of Congress want to have to utter unpopular information and offer unpopular solutions, but in this case that is required and that is part of the duties of the jobs they have.

If they cannot find it within themselves to do what is necessary, even if it is unpopular, none of them deserves to hold office.

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