Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Letter to the editor:

Judicial vacancies need to be filled

Regarding the Las Vegas Sun’s recent editorial, “Whose abuse of power? Republicans hypocritical to bash president on recess appointments”:

The Sun editorial’s conclusion that “Republican opposition isn’t based on the quality of the nominees or their experience,” applies to President Barack Obama’s judicial nominees as well as his four executive branch recess appointees.

Senate Republicans blocked in late December floor votes on every pending judicial nominee. All 19 are backed by both of their home-state senators, including Nevada’s Miranda Du, who is also supported by Republican governor (and former federal judge) Brian Sandoval, as well as the Republican lieutenant governor and mayor of Reno.

Utah GOP Sen. Mike Lee said, “There is absolutely no reason why we shouldn’t have confirmed (his state’s nominee) before we got out.” Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Penn., stressed the “need” to fill his state’s judgeships “soon. I certainly hope we don’t have to wait until after the election.”

Nevada Sens. Harry Reid and Dean Heller should join Sens. Lee, Toomey, and others to solve the judicial vacancy crisis by filling judgeships, including court-declared judicial emergencies on the appeals court that includes Nevada.

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