Las Vegas Sun

July 27, 2024

Letter to the editor:

Gluttony is not to be celebrated

Regarding the Las Vegas food challenge, “If you’ve got the stomach for it, Las Vegas has your food challenge!”:

Now that’s something to be proud of! The Smith Center? Doesn’t hold a candle to it. The transformation of downtown by Tony Hsieh and Zappos, what’s the big whoop there? Let me at the challenge of stuffing my face with a 10-pound pizza (with a friend) in 45 minutes so I can win two more pizzas (presumably in to-go boxes) or finishing a heaping bowl of Vietnamese noodle soup by myself in 87 minutes or less (is there something magical about the number 87 in Vietnam?) at the risk of losing $35.

In this day and age of a global food shortage and an obesity epidemic, wouldn’t it make more sense for the pizza restaurant to offer a free meal for the highest number of people who can leave feeling satiated after collectively downing that 10-pound pizza? What do the restaurants do with the pictures of these gluttons who complete the challenges? Send them back to their relatives with the caption “Eat your heart out”? Oh, wait! That’s what we are doing. Way to go, Vegas!

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