Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

letter to the editor:

Obamacare is a program that works

I recently enrolled in Obamacare; it was overwhelmingly a positive experience for me.

I am currently on a HIPAA-guaranteed plan that costs me $565 a month. If I get sick and need an urgent visit, mammogram or other OB-GYN services, I have to drive to Las Vegas from Pahrump. That’s going to change.

I enrolled in a plan that will save me more than $200 a month and provide local urgent visit and OB-GYN services in Pahrump.

However, if the Republicans are successful in defunding or even delaying the Affordable Care Act, I will join the millions of Americans who are uninsured, as I received a letter from my current insurance company advising me that now that they are not required to honor the HIPAA laws and my plan will no longer be offered after Dec. 31.

So I ask Sen. Dean Heller and Rep. Mark Amodei, both of whom have fought so hard to stop this landmark legislation in its tracks: What should I do? Should I simply lose my insurance and, if I get sick, let nature take its course?

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