Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Letter to the editor:

Boycott Valentine’s Day; love every day

Why do we make such a big deal over Valentine’s Day? Oh, that’s right, because it’s the one day out of 365 days to show a person you recognize and love them. I want to feel loved every day!

Here are some suggestions to show your love all year:

1. Use your words: Compliment them about their appearance. Tell them how much you appreciate all they do for you. Say thank you, even for the little things. Let them know you can’t wait to see them. Tell your kids you are glad to be their parent. Encourage others to achieve their dreams and goals.

2. Use your resources: Buy an unexpected gift such as a sweet treat, flowers or card.

3. Give your time: Plan a two-hour dinner date — no cellphone interruptions, no checking social media. Arrange everything from where you are going, baby-sitting, dress attire, finances and transportation. Spend time watching the other person’s TV show with them, even if you don’t like it, or something else they would like to do.

4. Give yourself: Spend time talking about things other than your job, co-workers, family and friends. Talk about each other’s dreams, wants, goals, current interest, etc. Really be present with them. No multitasking.

5. Physically give: Give hugs, kisses, cuddle, touches and hold hands.

One day is never enough to show someone how much you love them. Boycott Valentine’s Day by showing love every day.

The writer is a licensed marriage and family therapist and licensed alcohol and drug counselor

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