Las Vegas Sun

June 17, 2024

Letters to the Editor:

Raise Act: A personal story

This is in response to a recent letter praising the Raise Act.

It rattles my mind as to how the writer can posses such selfishness. He only wants immigrants who speak English and who have skills and abilities to help America grow.

Who, then, will do basic work such as ground maintenance, housecleaning and manual labor? Yes, those jobs also require skills and are an important part of our country.

This reminds me of a man who immigrated from Greece without a cent to his name and with only the clothes on his back. This man raised four children, putting two through college, owned a restaurant and at the same time drove a transit bus. He not only learned to speak English, he also served — and was wounded — in the United States Army. I remember him telling me no matter what anyone says, this is the greatest country in the world.

Who was this man? He was my father.

So to the author of the letter, I say shame on you.

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