Las Vegas Sun

May 3, 2024


Modern Nazis are among us

Regarding theAug. 9 letter “Stop with the Nazi comparison,” in which the writer argues that no one in U.S. government is a Nazi and that saying so minimizes the Holocaust and the millions who died fighting to defend the free world: I beg to differ. President Donald Trump is a neo-Nazi sympathizer and if anyone is minimizing the Holocaust, it is Trump.

The writer would have done well to watch “Frontline” on PBS, which showed that there has been a rise in neo-Nazi attacks since Trump refused to condemn the demonstration last year in Charlottesville, Va. It reported that there were neo-Nazis from 35 states in that demonstration, which saw a woman killed.

My mother and aunt worked for the Czech underground and experienced Gestapo interrogations. My 19-year-old uncle was in a slave labor camp.

It is not the free press which is the enemy of the people. It is Trump who is.