September 24, 2024


Trump a failure for U.S. business

In 2016, Donald Trump bragged that he had the business acumen for the presidency and would make business transactions to make America great.

The best quality of a successful business broker is closing a deal to the satisfaction of his client(s). Trump’s filing of six bankruptcies, though, shows a pattern of poor planning, which results in ill will with creditors who are either stiffed or forced to accept pennies on the dollar.

So let’s review what this titan of business has done to date.

• He claimed Mexico would pay for a border wall. Now, Trump is threatening to close down the government if American taxpayers don’t pay $25 billion for the wall.

• Trump imposed trade tariffs that caused financial harm to a bloc of his supporters: farmers. He wants to double the damage by increasing the deficit through a $12 billion bailout. To their credit, many farmers say they want open and free trade, not handouts.

• Then there are the negotiations with North Korea. North Korea agreed to nothing but we agreed to halt joint military exercises with South Korea.

With each day, Trump, plays with house money (i.e., yours and mine), doubles down on horrendous decisions that move this country closer to financial and moral bankruptcy. What better reason for us to take prompt action to relieve him of his duties and tell him, “You’re fired.”