Las Vegas Sun

June 15, 2024

Letter to the editor:

Immigration has changed greatly

In the Feb. 2 letter “Our ancestors were dreamers,” the writer states that immigrants created a government of the people, by the people and for the people. But among our Founding Fathers, Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Payne were born outside the land that today is the United States of America. Those people were not dreamers, they were visionaries. They invented the documents that those who represent us in Congress these days couldn’t even dream of.

It seems to me that the writer is arguing that all immigrants are equal. I beg to differ.

It is true that a lot of immigrants came here to escape persecution and to live better lives in a free country. They knew that to do that, they had to work hard and that success wasn’t guaranteed. They knew there were no social programs like welfare, and that they had to learn English in order to prosper. It was more or less a sink-or-swim scenario.

It’s been a different story the past 30-40 years. Immigrants today come for the better life, yes, but they also come because they know they can get help from the government, they don’t have to speak English, and a huge majority of them are putting no effort to assimilate into society. I don’t really blame them; I blame our politicians, especially Democrats, who in them see their new voting bloc.

And, yes, I’m an immigrant too, and a proud American.