September 22, 2024

Letter to the editor:

Don’t fall for Trump’s lies

In the July 10 letter “Don’t fall for the sad stories,” the writer cites various false and irrelevant claims.

My recollection of the dispute in question is that at the U.S. border, young children were taken and separated from their mothers, with the mothers being taken into custody and the young children being housed in chain-linked cages. The letter writer, on the other hand, devoted two paragraphs to “coyotes,” who he stated received a fee for delivering children to the border, with their parents coming at a later time. Further, the writer incredibly described the conditions of the cages as being “better than those many Americans live in.”

I’m sick and tired of President Donald Trump’s false narratives and those of his supporters who are complicit in and desensitized to the falsehoods. The Washington Post found Trump to have uttered 4.9 falsehoods per day during his first 100 days in office and 9 per day thereafter.