Las Vegas Sun

June 15, 2024


Border tactics are inhumane

Who in this sociopathic administration decided that immigration could be deterred effectively by separating children as young as a year old from their parent(s) upon entry to the U.S.?

These are not just “illegal” immigrants but asylum-seekers — and not just separating, like it was a firm but necessary procedure, but actually pulling children crying and screaming from the arms of their parents.

Was it Jeff Sessions, Stephen Miller or John Kelly, or was it President Donald Trump himself? How could this policy become a practice without someone with a conscience and a soul reviewing to determine its fit with American family values?

How many of us can imagine ourselves being restrained by armed authorities while having our children yanked from our arms and watching as they are driven away?

How could we let this take hold in our republic? It may be acceptable to those in Trumpistan or Nazi Germany, but not in the America I know and love.

Call your senators and representatives. For the love of every freedom we still enjoy, tell them inhumane and immoral practice must cease.