September 19, 2024


Save the Clean Power Plan

Some say the Clean Power Plan would lead to a loss of jobs due to a reduction in iron, steel, cement and refining production. But there has been an increase in the solar, wind and efficient-energy sectors. Nevada has projected job losses due to the Trump administration’s solar panel tariff. Now, the administration is attacking the environment and our health by stifling clean-energy technology development.

The coal industry will never replace lost jobs in a meaningful way. And mountaintops don’t grow back. How long before fracking ruins your water and sickens your family? Earthquakes in Oklahoma are not normal. Clean coal is a lie, and more so without stringent regulation.

Energy efficiency and clean energy production have proven to increase the demand for good-paying jobs in ways that old technology and fossil fuel energy production cannot.

The sun shines here nearly every day. We should embrace solar power, clean water and clean air. By allowing Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt to kill the Clean Power Plan, we are endangering our future health and competitive job opportunities. Be heard here.