September 26, 2024


Teenagers can change the world

Newtown, Pulse Nightclub and Oct. 1 in Las Vegas, among others, were horrible and tragic events that attracted national attention for several weeks. But as usual our do-nothing Congress succumbed to the National Rifle Association and the events quickly faded from the spotlight.

Parkland, Fla., is different because of the energy and leadership displayed by the students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and across our country. This event will have far-ranging ramifications. Teenagers will not vanish into the sunset. They will be a force to reckoned with as early as the November elections, when many will vote for the first time.

Their vote could change the look of Congress. The NRA will have to deal with those who won’t be intimidated.

Teenagers are capable of bringing the energy and activism to change our country forever. They are more educated than ever on social issues that have become part of their DNA.