Las Vegas Sun

June 26, 2024


Letter: Lies catching up to the president

Every time I think President Donald Trump’s corrupt and traitorous administration has finally hit rock bottom, some new thing pops into the news cycle and away we go again.

The Veterans Affairs fiasco with totally unqualified Dr. Ronny Jackson led to the revelation that Keith Shiller “raided” Dr. Harold Bornstein’s office to retrieve Trump’s medical records, including the letter Trump dictated regarding the state of his health when he was running for office.

One of Trump’s favorite phrases is “believe me.” But it’s getting to the point where believing Trump is beyond the capability of all except his most loyal supporters.

We have been asked to believe him without any proof about his qualifications, character or ethics. His taxes, his health, his business connections, his Russian connections — all of these have been dangled and twirled and teased about while he plied his con on America.

Now, Trump’s legal team has leaked 49 topics to which Mueller and his team would like to have him respond. President Trump, please step up to the tee box and swing away. I think the results will be telling. I don’t think you will be getting away with “believe me” much longer.