September 24, 2024

Letter to the editor:

Family criticism rings hollow

I read with interest and sadness the Oct. 25 letter “Family members: Don’t vote for Adam Laxalt to be Nevada’s governor.”

First of all, I was amazed that those who signed the letter claimed to be family members of Laxalt’s, but because he was raised outside of Nevada, he was not deemed worthy of their support. I read with sadness that because these family members say they were raised in Nevada, that gave them the right to say who could or could not run for office.

I do not know all the circumstances of Laxalt’s early life, so if his mother raised him where she had employment outside Nevada, for whatever reason, it does not erase the fact that he is the grandson of Paul Laxalt, a highly regarded man in this great state.

Another amusing criticism was that Adam only occasionally visited Nevada. The road from Nevada to Washington, D.C., runs both ways, so why didn’t the family make more of an effort to keep in touch?