September 21, 2024


Prepare yourself for flu season

Postponed vacations. Missed parties. No family for Thanksgiving. Last year’s flu season led to loads of FOMO (fear of missing out) here in Southern Nevada. Chances are good you or someone you know was affected by our particularly rough flu season.

FOMO is a good incentive to take preventive action. In fact, a recent Walgreens national survey found that 82 percent of Americans say having the flu made them miss out on things they wanted to do. Thirty-one percent said the flu made them miss out on time with family, 28 percent had to cancel plans with friends, and 16 percent delayed exercise.

While no one can predict the severity of this year’s flu season, health experts agree that prevention is key to avoiding or minimizing flu symptoms. Here are three simple steps you can take now to protect yourself, your friends, family and coworkers from influenza:

n Get a flu shot. Getting vaccinated at your pharmacy or health care provider’s office is the first line of defense against getting the flu this season. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends getting your annual flu shot before the flu starts spreading in your area, and ideally, by the end of October — but it’s not too late. The process takes minutes, so don’t wait until the holiday rush. As your grandmother may have told you: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

n Beware of germs. Flu spreads easily from person to person. After you touch shared objects like telephones, keyboards and door knobs, you can catch the virus when you touch your mouth, nose or eyes. Washing hands with soap and water is critical to keeping the flu at bay. Also consider germ-killing disinfectants and wipes for common objects around the house or in your workplace. And keep your hands away from your face.

n Stay home if you are sick. The Walgreens flu survey revealed that nearly 40 percent of people report going to work when sick with the flu, and 1 in 10 reports attending a party or social gathering. If you have the flu, stay home and treat your symptoms. Drink plenty of fluids and rest. Going back to work or being in other public spaces only puts others at risk. It’s not worth it. 

The good news is we’re early in the flu season, and it’s the perfect time to start taking preventive measures to protect yourself and your family. Each flu season is unpredictable — we never know when it may peak or how severe it may be. The one thing we do know is that the flu shot remains the best protection against influenza. There’s no time like the present. Arm yourself against the flu today.

Nichole Baker is a pharmacy manager for Walgreens, located at 9415 W. Desert Inn in Las Vegas. Flu shots are available at all Walgreens locations during pharmacy hours seven days a week, no appointment necessary. State, age and health restrictions may apply.