September 23, 2024


Heller’s hiccup line is gagworthy

Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev., said a “hiccup” is what Dr. Christine Blasey Ford is putting on the table concerning the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. 

I admit thatI do not approve of Kavanaugh for the seat. I do not like any extreme appointments made just to stack the court either left or right, politically.

But the accusation by Ford merits a full investigation as part of a previous background check by the FBI. Then a full Senate hearing is needed to evaluate the facts. A Supreme Court justice is a lifetime appointment. It’s more important than electing a president.

We do not need the appointment shoved down our throat by this or any president. Kavanaugh should want this adjudicated for his own credibility. And while this should have been presented earlier, when it first came to the attention of Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., the fact is it is here now. Let’s do it correctly. This too important to be taken lightly, as Heller appears to be doing..