September 21, 2024


Pollsters may have ill intent

I keep getting calls from pollsters asking similar questions. They start off with legitimate questions but finish with questions like: “If the Republican candidate walked on water, would you be more likely or less likely to vote for him or her? If the Republican candidate lowers taxes, would you be more or less likely to vote for them?” Obviously, yes. This puts the Republican candidate in a favorable position.

Then they ask: “If the Democrat candidate beat his wife, would you be more or less likely to vote for them? If the Democrat candidate promised to raise taxes, would you be more or less likely vote for him?” Again, the obvious answer is no. Compiling the results would show a large swing for Republican support.

Who would pull such a stunt, and why? If the actual voting results are somehow interfered with or fixed, the party can always reference the polls and say, “Look, the Republicans were way ahead in the polls.” Would either party be that devious?

Beware when the phone rings: You may be playing into their hands by being honest.